Gentle reader, At PRAGMA we are using ConTeXt. With ConTeXt we are able to compose complex documents, for both paper and screen. Here are some features. (1) It's quite complete. It offers a lot of functionality in an integrated package. This functionality is packed into a few hundred highly structured commands. (2) The package is parameter driven, which means that one can just specify what one needs. One does not need to be a TeX expert to get things done. (3) The package is more or less object oriented, which means that one can have many registers, many kinds of tables (of contents), many types of whatever. (4) Of course there are facilities like blockmove and reuse of texts, where location specific info is saved. Tables and registers can be generated at every level. (5) There is driver independant color support, there is an advanced colored verbatim TeX mode and there are visual debugging tools. (6) ConTeXt offers advanced interactive document support. Of course there are normal hyper links possible, but ConTeXt can provide navigational tools, like menus and scroll bars in a lot of flavors. It's all programmed in TeX in a driver independent way and nearly everything is done automatically. Special support is implemented as a kind of drivers. Tables and registers can be interactive in several ways. Register entries can be linked. One can design parallel documents and reader profiles are supported (soon in a more advanced way). (7) A major feature is the multi-lingual interface. This means that one can give commands and specify parameters and keywords and receive messages in his or her own language. We've implemented the dutch and english interface, but are thinking of more. (8) Itemizes lists (upto many levels, with optional specifications) are optimized in a second pass, just like margin words and illustrations. We made as few as possible compromises when implementing things like this. (9) Although in constant state of improvement, there are multiple columns, including insert optimization. (10) There are lots of ways to process floats. Eps and Tif figures can be manipulated in many ways and placement is straightforward. For instance one command is used, which accepts an optional argument that specifies the location, a second one for the reference and two more. Side floats are supported too. One can also define his own type of floats. (11) The layout can be very complex and includes areas for navigational stuff and company logos. There is single sided, double sided and combined are supported. (12) Project wise organisation of texts is supported, which enables structured management of texts (we use this for educational projects, which often consists of a lot of related and reused texts). This feature is also supported by the DOS oriented program TeXEdit, which supports fast browsing, on the fly spell checking, help-info and tex processing. (13) There is a lot to tell about the more common features, which go beyond those offered by most of the packages that are available today. One is invited to take a glance at the (still dutch) 450 page interactive manual (which is cross linked to it's source) or the dutch and english quick reference cards. (14) Chemical typesetting is supported by a related package PPCHTEX and we are working on SCIENCE that handles units. (15) The whole package is structured in modules which are all compiled to the format file ConTeXt.fmt. At the moment we are documenting the source. We are half-way now. The source will be optimized to the (which is of course our) limit. The (growing) package itself is used in a production environment for about 5 years now, which means that it works! We are still not sure about putting ConTeXt into the public domain. It took us quite some years to write the package and it will cost us some more to enhance it, provide more hooks to the outside world, and fully document it. The question however is: (?) Is there a need for such a package? For novice users ConTeXt is far more easy to learn and manage than existing packages and advanced users (or those getting tired or impatient of waiting for announced packages) can take full advantage of all the features. We will not go as far as stating that ConTeXt is the state of the art macro package today, but some others did so for us. But: (!) We will only take the trouble if ConTeXt is needed and wanted. We cannot support it in all those languages and our help-desk capacity is limited. Writing an english manual makes only sense when people use such a system and others have to carry out some support too. So again: (?) IS THERE ANY NEED FOR SOMETHING LIKE CONTEXT? If so, we can download to ctan (where there are already a CONTEXT entry housing PPCHTEX and some generic modules): (1) the dutch quick reference manual (2) the english quick reference manual (3) the dutch interactive ConTeXT manual Later, depending on the response, we can post, (4) the dutch format file (5) the english format file (6) some auxiliary programs For the moment the format files will be in Huge EmTeX format (ConTeXt needs a hash table >>10.000, due to its character). And when people still want it, finally the whole bunch, including source files and documentation will be posted. We will keep on improving and extensing ConTeXt, just because it's our core tool. A next step will be providing more hooks for those who want to do even more nasty things with ConTeXt. Our real challenge however is a seamless link between ConTeXt and SGML, probably by means of DSSSL. We would like to hear if there is any need for ConTeXt. If needed, the package can be provided with german, french etc interfaces too (implementing those is only a matter of building some translation tables), but for this we need the help of user groups. Greetings, Hans Hagen & A.F. Otten