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Fonts in figures

You can use any font available to TeX and Dvips within a graphics file by putting a %*Font: line in the leading commentary of the file. Schematically, this looks like:

%*Font: tfmname scaledbp designbp hex-start:hex-bitstring

Here is the meaning of each of these elements:

The TeX TFM filename, e.g., `cmr10'. You can give the same tfmname on more than one `%*Font' line; this is useful when the number of characters from the font used needs a longer hex-bitstring (see item below) than conveniently fits on one line.
The size at which you are using the font, in PostScript points (TeX big points). 72bp = 72.27pt = 1in.
The designsize of the font, again in PostScript points. This should match the value in the TFM file tfmname. Thus, for `cmr10', it should be `9.96265'.
The character code of the first character used from the font, specified as two ASCII hexadecimal characters, e.g., `4b' or `4B' for `K'.
An arbitrary number of ASCII hexadecimal digits specifying which characters following (and including) hex-start are used. This is treated as a bitmap. For example, if your figure used the single letter `K', you would use `4b:8' for hex-start and hex-bitstring. If it used `KLMNP', you would use `4b:f4'.

MetaPost's output figures contain lines like this for bitmap fonts used in a MetaPost label (see section `MetaPost' in Web2c).

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