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Literal examples

To finish off this section, the following examples of literal PostScript are presented without explanation:

\def\rotninety{\special{ps:currentpoint currentpoint translate 90
rotate neg exch neg exch translate}}\font\huge=cmbx10 at 14.4truept
\setbox0=\hbox to0pt{\huge A\hss}\vskip16truept\centerline{\copy0
\vbox to 2truein{\special{ps:gsave 0.3 setgray}\hrule height 2in
\vss\special{ps:gsave 1 setgray}\vbox to 0pt{\vskip2pt
\line{\hss\hskip4pt NEAT\hss}\vss}\special{ps:0 setgray}%
\hbox{\raise2pt\line{\hss NEAT\hss}\special{ps:grestore}}\vss}

Some caveats are in order, however. Make sure that each gsave is matched with a grestore on the same page. Do not use save and restore; they can interact with the PostScript generated by Dvips if care is not taken. Try to understand what the above macros are doing before writing your own. The \rotninety macro especially has a useful trick that appears again and again.

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