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`psfonts.map': PostScript font catalog

The `psfonts.map' file associates a PostScript font with related files and constructs. Each line has the format:

filename PostScript-name options

For example, the line

rpstrn StoneInformal <StoneInformal.pfb

causes Dvips to download `StoneInformal.pfb' if your document (just as if it were a header file, see section PostScript header files) uses the font `StoneInformal'.

If the `j' config file or command-line option is enabled, `StoneInformal.pfb' will be partially downloaded---only those characters your document actually uses will be extracted and downloaded, and the remainder discarded. See section Option details.

Filenames of fonts that are partially downloaded are surrounded by curly braces (`{...}') in the progress report Dvips writes to standard output. Wholly-downloaded fonts appear inside angle brackets (`<...>'), like other downloaded files.

Adobe Multiple Master fonts, such as Minion, cannot be partially downloaded. To partially download in general, but avoid partial downloading for individual fonts, use `<<' instead `<':

pmnr8r Minion <<Minion.pfb

You can generate transformed fonts with a line like this:

rpstrc StoneInformal <StoneInformal.pfb ".8 ExtendFont"

See section Special font effects, for a complete list of font effects.

You can change the encoding of the Type 1 font at the PostScript level with a `ReEncodeFont' instruction, plus the name of the encoding file. This allows you access to characters that may be present in the Type 1 font file, but not encoded by default--most of the preaccented characters, for example. An example:

pstrn8r StoneInformal "TeXBase1Encoding ReEncodeFont" <8r.enc <pstrn8a.pfb

The `8r' encoding mentioned here has been designed to serve as a base for all downloadable fonts; it allows access to all the characters commonly present in a Type 1 font. For more details, see the `8r.enc' source file that comes with (and is installed with) Dvips.

You may notice that the same syntax is used for downloading encoding vectors and Type 1 font files. To make your intentions clear, you can also use `<[' to explicitly indicate you are downloading an encoding vector, as in:

pstrn8r StoneInformal "TeXBase1Encoding ReEncodeFont" <[8r.enc <pstrn8a.pfb

If the filename of your encoding vector does not end in `.enc', and you are using partial font downloading, you must use the `<[' syntax, or Dvips will not download the font properly.

Similarly, the name of the Type 1 font file itself must have extension `.pfa' or `.pfb' for partial downloading to work properly.

When using PFB files, Dvips is smart enough to unpack the binary PFB format into printable ASCII so there is no need to perform this conversion yourself. In addition, Dvips scans the font to determine its memory usage, just as it does for other header files (see section PostScript header files).

Here is a brief summary of how `psfonts.map' is read:

  1. If a line is empty or begins with a space, percent, asterisk, semicolon, or hash mark, it is ignored.
  2. Otherwise, the line is separated into words, where words are separated by spaces or tabs, except that if a word begins with a double quote, it extends until the next double quote or the end of the line.
  3. If a word starts with `<<', it is taken as a font file to be wholly downloaded. Use this to avoid partial downloading, as described above.
  4. If a word starts with `<[', it is taken as an encoding file to be downloaded. Use this if the name of the encoding file does end in `.enc', also as described above.
  5. If a word starts with a `<' character, it is treated as a header file that needs to be downloaded. If the name ends in `.pfa' or `.pfb', it is taken as Type 1 font file that will be partially downloaded if the `j' option is in effect. There can be more than one such header for a given font. If a `<' is a word by itself, the next word is taken as the name of the header file.
  6. If a word starts with a `"' character, it is taken as PostScript code used in generating that font, and is inserted into the output verbatim at the appropriate point. (And the double quotes beginning and ending the word are removed.)
  7. Otherwise the word is a name. The first such name is the TFM file that a virtual font file can refer to. If there is a second name, it is used as the PostScript name; if there is only one name, it is used for both the TeX name and the PostScript name.

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