All the index commands described in the previous section take an initial optional argument before the index term, which modify the index entry's meaning in various ways. You can specify only one of the following in any given command.
These work via MakeIndex's "encapsulation" feature. See section Customizing indexing, if you're not using the default characters for the MakeIndex operators. The other optional argument (specifying a subterm) is independent of these.
Here are the possibilities:
\sidx[begin]{future}[Cohen, Leonard] ... \sidx[end]{future}[Cohen, Leonard]will typeset as something like
future, Cohen, Leonard, 65--94
\sidx[see]{analysis}[archetypal]{archetypal criticism}becomes
analysis, archetypal, See archetypal criticism
(the previous item), but also allows for normal
index entries of the referencing term. Example:
\sidx[seealso]{archetypal criticism}[elements of]{dichotomies}becomes
archetypal criticism, elements of, 75, 97, 114, See also dichotomies(Aside for the academically curious: The archetypally critical book I took these dichotomous examples from is Laurence Berman's The Musical Image, which I happened to co-design and typeset.)
before the page number in the typeset index,
thus allowing you to underline definitive entries, italicize examples,
and the like. You do not precede the control sequence cs
with a backslash. (That just leads to expansive difficulties.) Naturally
it is up to you to define the control sequences you want to use. Example:
\def\defn#1{{\sl #1}} \sidx[pagemarkeup=defn]{indexing}becomes something like
indexing, \defn{75}