You may wish to change Eplain's formatting of citations; i.e., the
result of your \cite
commands. By default, the citation labels
are printed one after another, separated by commas and enclosed in
brackets, using the main text font. Some formats require other styles,
such as superscripted labels. You can accomodate such formats by
redefining the following macros.
command. By default, they produce a
`[' and `]', respectively.
command has multiple citations, as in
, Eplain expands this macro in between each
pair of citations. By default, it produces a comma followed by a space.
command. If the \cite
command had no note, this
macro isn't used. Otherwise, it should print the note. By default, the
note is preceded with a comma and a space.
Here is an example, showing you could produce citations as superscripted labels, with the optional notes in parentheses.
\def\printcitestart{\unskip $^\bgroup} \def\printbetweencitations{,} \def\printcitefinish{\egroup$} \def\printcitenote#1{\hbox{\sevenrm\space (#1)}}