Go to the previous, next chapter.
Morgan S. Brilliant, Jon Pastor, and Frank F. Smith have each contributed
to the following list of equivalent font names.
The following table shows trade/common names and the equivalent names
used by other vendors. The vendor or trademark holder's name is shown
in parenthesis following each typeface name.
- Aachen Bold (Letraset)
- Aardvark (Corel)
- Activa (Bitstream, Inc.)
- Kuenstler 480
- Ad Lib
- Adelaide (Corel)
- Adsans (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries)
- Humanist 970
- Akzidenz Grotesk (H. Berthold AG)
- Gothic 725
- Albertus (Monotype Corporation plc)
- Flareserif 821
- Aldine 401 (Monotype Corporation plc)
- Bembo
- Aldine 721 (Monotype Corporation plc)
- Plantin
- Algerian (S. Blake)
- Algiers (Corel)
- Allegro
- Alto (Corel)
- Amelia (VGC)
- Amy (Corel)
- Americana (ATF)
- Amherst (Corel)
- Antique Olive (Fonderie Olive)
- Incised 901
- Arnold Bocklin
- Arabia (Corel)
- Arquitectura (IC)
- Architecture (Corel)
- Avant Garde (ITC)
- Avalon (Corel)
- Badloc (IC)
- Bedrock (Corel)
- Balloon (ATF)
- Bassoon (Corel)
- Bamboo (ATF)
- Bard (Corel)
- Bauhaus (ITC)
- Bahamas (Corel)
- Bauhaus Heavy (ITC)
- BahamasHeavy (Corel)
- Bauhaus Light (ITC)
- BahamasLight (Corel)
- BeeBopp (IC)
- Beehive (Corel)
- Bembo (Monotype Corporation plc)
- Aldine 401
- Benguit (ITC)
- Bangkok (Corel)
- Bernhard Tango (VGC)
- BallroomTango (Corel)
- Bisque (VGC)
- Brisk (Corel)
- Bitstream Arrust Black BT (Bitstream)
- Bitstream Arrus Black BT (WordPerfect)
- Block (H. Berthold AG)
- Gothic 821
- Bodoni Campanile (Ludlow Industries (UK) Ltd.)
- Modern 735
- Bodoni Poster
- Bodnoff (Corel)
- Book Jacket (VGC)
- Brochure (Corel)
- Bookman (ITC)
- Brooklyn (Corel)
- Broadway (ATF)
- Bravo (Corel)
- Broadway Engraved (ATF)
- BravoEngraved (Corel)
- Brody (ATF)
- Briquet (Corel)
- Brush 445 (H. Berthold AG)
- Palette
- Brush 738
- Bison
- Brush Script (ATF)
- Banff (Corel)
- Busorama (ITC)
- Bosanova (Corel)
- Buster (Letraset)
- Busker (Corel)
- Cable (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries)
- Geometric 231
- Calligraphic 421 (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries)
- Codex
- Calligraphic 810 (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries)
- Diotima
- Carolus Roman
- Carleton (Corel)
- Carta (Adobe)
- GeographicSymbols (Corel)
- Cartoon
- Cancun (Corel)
- Cascade (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries)
- Freehand 471
- Cascade Script (Adobe)
- Castanet (Corel)
- Casino (IC)
- Carino (Corel)
- Caslon (ATF)
- Casablanca (Corel)
- Caslon Antique (ATF)
- CasablancaAntique (Corel)
- Caslon Open Face
- CasperOpenFace (Corel)
- Caslon Openfacce (Bitstream)
- Caslon Openface (WordPerfect)
- Centaur (Monotype Corporation plc)
- Venetian 301
- Century Old Style
- CenturionOld (Corel)
- Champagne (IC)
- Campaign (Corel)
- Charlemagne (Adobe)
- Charlesworth (Corel)
- Choc (Letraset)
- Chalk (Corel)
- Choc (Fonderie Olive)
- Staccato 555
- City (H. Berthold AG)
- Square Slabserif 711
- Codex (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries)
- Calligraphic 421
- Comic Book (IC)
- Cosmic (Corel)
- Comic Book Two (IC)
- CosmicTwo (Corel)
- Cooper Black
- Cupertino (Corel)
- CopperPlate Gothic (VGC)
- CopperPot (Corel)
- Coronet (Ludlow Industries (UK) Ltd.)
- Ribbon 131
- Cottonwood (Adobe)
- Cottage (Corel)
- Croissant (Letraset)
- Crescent (Corel)
- Decorative 035 (Tetterode Nederland (Lettergieterij Amsterdam))
- Profil
- Delphin
- Dauphin (Corel)
- Diotima (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries)
- Calligraphic 810
- Dom Casual
- DawnCastle (Corel)
- Dutch 801 (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries)
- Times Roman
- Dutch 801 (Montype Corporation plc)
- Times Roman
- Electra (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries)
- Transitional 521
- Elektrik (VGC)
- Eklektic (Corel)
- Englische Screibschrift (H. Berthold AG)
- English 157
- English 157 (H. Berthold AG)
- Englische Screibschrift
- Enviro (Letraset)
- Envision (Corel)
- Eras (ITC)
- Erie (Corel)
- Eras Black (ITC)
- ErieBlack (Corel)
- Eras Contour (ITC)
- ErieContour (Corel)
- Eras Light (ITC)
- ErieLight (Corel)
- Estro (ATF)
- Expo (Corel)
- Eurostile (Adobe)
- Euromode (Corel)
- Eurostile (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries)
- Square 721
- Exotic 350 (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries)
- Peignot
- Fairfield (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries)
- Transitional 551
- Fette Fraktur (ITC)
- Frankenstein (Corel)
- Firenze (ITC)
- Florence (Corel)
- Flareserif 821 (Monotype Corporation plc)
- Albertus
- Formal Script 421 (Bitstream, Inc.)
- Mermaid
- Formal Script 421 (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries)
- Ondine
- Franfurt (TFCo)
- FrankHighlight (Corel)
- Frankfurt (TFCo)
- FrankHighlight (Corel)
- Franklin Gothic (ITC)
- FrankfurtGothhic (Corel)
- Franklin Gothic Heav (ITC)
- FrankfurtGothicHeavy (Corel)
- Freehand 471 (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries)
- Cascade
- Freehand 521 (Ludlow Industries (UK) Ltd.)
- Mandate
- Freehand 575
- Jefferson
- Freehand 591
- Bingham Script
- Freestyle Script (Letraset)
- Freeport (Corel)
- Fritz Quadrata (ITC)
- France (Corel)
- Frutiger (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries)
- Humanist 777
- Futura 2 (FTNSA)
- Fujiyama2 (Corel)
- Futura Black (Bauer)
- FujiyamaBlack (Corel)
- Futura Cnd Extra Bol (FTNSA)
- FujiyamaExtraBold (Corel)
- Futura Cnd Extra Bold (FTNSA)
- FujiyamaExtraBold (Corel)
- Futura Cnd Light (FTNSA)
- FujiyamaLight (Corel)
- Futura Condensed (FTNSA)
- Fujiyama (Corel)
- Gallia
- Galleria (Corel)
- Garamond (ITC)
- Gatineau (Corel)
- Garamond, American
- Garamond No. 3
- Garamond, Classic (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries)
- Sabon
- Garamond, Elegant (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries)
- Granjon
- Garamond, Italian (Officine Simoncini s.p.a.)
- Simoncini Garamond
- Garamond, Original (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries)
- Stempel Garamond
- Geometric 231 (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries)
- Cable
- Geometric 415 (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries)
- Metro
- Geometric 706 (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries)
- Neuzeit Grotesk
- Geometric SlabSerif 703 Light (Bitstream)
- GeometricSlabSerif703Light (WordPerfect)
- Geometric Slabserif 703 (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries)
- Memphis
- Geometric Slabserif 712 (Monotype Corporation plc)
- Rockwell
- Geometric Slabserif 712 (Bitstream, Inc.)
- Slate
- Gill Sans (Monotype Corporation plc)
- Humanist 521
- Gill Sans Ultra Bold (Monotype)
- GillbertUltraBold (Corel)
- Glasnost (C&G)
- Czar (Corel)
- Glyphic Series (VGC)
- Glacier (Corel)
- Gold Rush (ATF)
- GoldMine (Corel)
- Gothic 725 (H. Berthold AG)
- Akzidenz Grotesk
- Gothic 821 (H. Berthold AG)
- Block
- Goudy Old Style
- GoldenOldStyle (Corel)
- Granjon (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries)
- Garamond, Elegant
- Graphik (IC)
- Griffon (Corel)
- Graphik Shadow (IC)
- GriffonShadow (Corel)
- Hairpin (VGC)
- Harpoon (Corel)
- Hammersmith (Bitstream, Inc.)
- Humanist 521
- Hanseatic (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries)
- Swiss 924
- Harlow (Letraset)
- Hollow (Corel)
- Hebrew (Letraset)
- Alefbet (Corel)
- Helv. Cnd. Black (Linotype)
- SwitzerlandCondBlack (Corel)
- Helv. Cond. Light (Linotype)
- SwitzerlandCondLight (Corel)
- Helvetica
- Arial (Microsoft)
- Helvetica (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries)
- Swiss 721
- Helvetica (Linotype)
- Switzerland (Corel)
- Helvetica Black (Linotype)
- SwitzerlandBlack (Corel)
- Helvetica Condensed (Linotype)
- SwitzerlandCond (Corel)
- Helvetica Inserat (Linotype)
- SwitzerlandInserat (Corel)
- Helvetica Light (Linotype)
- SwitzerlandLight (Corel)
- Helvetica Narrow (Linotype)
- SwitzerlandNarrow (Corel)
- Hobo
- HomewardBound (Corel)
- Honda (ITC)
- Heidelberg (Corel)
- Humanist 521 (Monotype Corporation plc)
- Gill Sans
- Humanist 521 (Bitstream, Inc.)
- Hammersmith
- Humanist 777 (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries)
- Frutiger
- Humanist 970 (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries)
- Adsans
- Incised 901 (Fonderie Olive)
- Antique Olive
- Incised 901 (Bitstream, Inc.)
- Provence
- Industrial 736 (Societea Nebiolo)
- Torino
- Informal 011 (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries)
- Neuland
- Ionic No. 5 (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries)
- News 701
- Ironwood (Adobe)
- Ireland (Corel)
- Juniper (Adobe)
- Jupiter (Corel)
- Kabel Bold
- KabanaBold (Corel)
- Kabel Book (ITC)
- KabanaBook (Corel)
- Kaufmann (Kingsley/ATF)
- Koala (Corel)
- Korinna (ITC)
- Korinthia (Corel)
- Kuenstler 480 (Bitstream, Inc.)
- Activa
- Kuenstler 480 (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries)
- Trump Medieval
- Kunstler Script (Linotype)
- Kastler (Corel)
- L.C.D. (Letraset)
- LiquidCrystal (Corel)
- Lapidary 333 (Monotype Corporation plc)
- Perpetua
- Letter Gothic
- Monospaced (Corel)
- Linoscript (Linotype)
- Linus (Corel)
- Linotext (Linotype)
- Lincoln (Corel)
- Lithos (Adobe)
- Lithograph (Corel)
- Lithos Light (Adobe)
- LithographLight (Corel)
- Machine (ITC)
- Motor (Corel)
- Mandate (Ludlow Industries (UK) Ltd.)
- Freehand 521
- Melior (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries)
- Zapf Elliptical 711
- Memphis (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries)
- Geometric Slabserif 703
- Mermaid (Bitstream, Inc.)
- Formal Script 421
- Mermaid (Bitstream)
- Merlin (Corel)
- Metro (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries)
- Geometric 415
- Micr (IC)
- Keypunch (Corel)
- Mistral (M.Olive)
- Mystical (Corel)
- Mistral (Fonderie Olive)
- Staccato 222
- Modern 735 (Ludlow Industries (UK) Ltd.)
- Bodoni Campanile
- Monospace 821
- Helvetica Monospaced
- Neuland (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries)
- Informal 011
- Neuland
- Newfoundland (Corel)
- Neuzeit Grotesk (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries)
- Geometric 706
- New Baskerville (ITC)
- Nebraska (Corel)
- New Century Schoolbo
- NewBrunswick (Corel)
- New Century Schoolbook
- NewBrunswick (Corel)
- New Yorker (IC)
- NewOrder (Corel)
- New Yorker Engraved (IC)
- NewOrderEngraved
- News 701 (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries)
- Ionic No. 5
- Nuptial Script
- Nuance (Corel)
- Ondine (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries)
- Formal Script 421
- Optima (Linotype)
- Ottawa (Corel)
- Optima (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries)
- Zapf Humanist 601
- P.T.Barnum (Bitstream)
- BigTop (Corel)
- Paintbrush (IC)
- Palette (Corel)
- Palatino (Linotype)
- PalmSprings (Corel)
- Palatino (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries)
- Zapf Calligraphic
- Palette (H. Berthold AG)
- Brush 445
- Paper Clip (VGC)
- Pipeline (Corel)
- Parisian (Kingsley/ATF)
- Paragon (Corel)
- Park Avenue (ATF)
- Paradise (Corel)
- Peignot (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries)
- Exotic 350
- Peignot (Linotype)
- Penguin (Corel)
- Peignot Light (Linotype)
- PenguinLight (Corel)
- Pepita (Monotype)
- Pepper (Corel)
- Perpetua (Monotype Corporation plc)
- Lapidary 333
- Plantin (Monotype Corporation plc)
- Aldine 721
- Plaza (Letraset)
- Playwright (Corel)
- Ponderosa (Adobe)
- Posse (Corel)
- Post Antiqua (H.Berthold AG)
- ProseAntique (Corel)
- Poster Bodoni
- Bodoni-WP (WordPerfect)
- Present Script (Linotype)
- President (Corel)
- Princetown (TFCo)
- Indiana (Corel)
- Princetown (TFCo)
- IndianaSolid (Corel)
- Profil (Tetterode Nederland (Lettergieterij Amsterdam))
- Decorative 035
- Provence (Bitstream, Inc.)
- Incised 901
- Pump Triline (Letraset)
- PowerLine (Corel)
- Quicksilver (D.Morris)
- Quantum (Corel)
- Revival 565
- Berling
- Revue (Letraset)
- Renfrew (Corel)
- Ribbon 131 (Ludlow Industries (UK) Ltd.)
- Coronet
- Rockwell (Monotype Corporation plc)
- Geometric Slabserif 712
- Sabon (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries)
- Garamond, Classic
- Simoncini Garamond (Officine Simoncini s.p.a.)
- Garamond, Italian
- Slate (Bitstream, Inc.)
- Geometric Slabserif 712
- Slogun (ZSoft)
- Shogun (Corel)
- Sonata (Adobe)
- MusicalSymbols (Corel)
- Souvenir (ITC)
- Southern (Corel)
- Square 721 (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries)
- Eurostile
- Square Slabserif 711 (H. Berthold AG)
- City
- Squire (M.Neugebauer)
- Scribe (Corel)
- Staccato 222 (Fonderie Olive)
- Mistral
- Staccato 555 (Fonderie Olive)
- Choc
- Stempel Garamond (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries)
- Garamond, Original
- Stencil
- Stamp (Corel)
- Stop (Nebiolo)
- Scott (Corel)
- Surf Style (ITC)
- Surreal (Corel)
- Swiss 721 (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries)
- Helvetica
- Swiss 911
- Helvetica Compressed
- Swiss 921
- Helvetica Inserat
- Swiss 924 (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries)
- Hanseatic
- Symbol (ITC)
- GreekMathSYmbols (Corel)
- Symbol (ITC)
- GreekMathSymbols (Corel)
- Tekton (Adobe)
- Technical (Corel)
- Thor (VGC)
- Viking (Corel)
- Thunderbird
- ThunderBay (Corel)
- Tiffany (ITC)
- Timpani (Corel)
- Tiffany Heavy (ITC)
- TimpaniHeavy (Corel)
- Time (Linotype)
- Toronto (Corel)
- Times Roman (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries)
- Dutch 801
- Times Roman (Monotype Corporation plc)
- Dutch 801
- Torino (Societea Nebiolo)
- Industrial 736
- Traffic (T.Hultgren)
- Trafalgar (Corel)
- Transitional 521 (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries)
- Electra
- Transitional 551 (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries)
- Fairfield
- Trump Medieval (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries)
- Kuenstler 480
- Umbra (Kingsley/ATF)
- Umbrella (Corel)
- Univers (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries)
- Zurich
- Univers Black (Linotype)
- USABlack (Corel)
- Univers Light (Linotype)
- USALight (Corel)
- University Roman (Letraset)
- Unicorn (Corel)
- Uptight (ITC)
- Uptown (Corel)
- VAG Rounded
- Vogue (Corel)
- Venetian 301 (Monotype Corporation plc)
- Centaur
- Vivaldi (VGC)
- Vivienne (Corel)
- Zapf Calligraphic (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries)
- Palatino
- Zapf Chancery (ITC)
- ZurichCalligraphic (Corel)
- Zapf Dingbats (ITC)
- Dixieland (Corel)
- Zapf Elliptical 711 (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries)
- Melior
- Zapf Humanist 601 (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries)
- Optima
- Zurich (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries)
- Univers
- Zurich (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries)
- Univers
Some fonts are published by several vendors using the same name. This
table shows the typeface name and the vendors that supply it. Generally
this means that one vendor licensed the face from another.
- Augsburger Initials
- The Font Bureau, Inc., Microsoft
- Baskerville Old Face
- URW, Microsoft
- Bell MT
- Monotype, Microsoft
- Bell MT Bold
- Monotype, Microsoft
- Bell MT Italic
- Monotype, Microsoft
- Bernhard Modern BT
- Bitstream, WordPerfect
- Bernhard Modern Bold BT
- Bitstream, WordPerfect
- Bernhard Modern Bold Italic BT
- Bitstream, WordPerfect
- Bernhard Modern Italic BT
- Bitstream, WordPerfect
- Bitstream Arrus BT
- Bitstream, WordPerfect
- Bitstream Arrus BT Bold
- Bitstream, WordPerfect
- Bitstream Arrus BT Bold Italic
- Bitstream, WordPerfect
- Bitstream Arrus BT Italic
- Bitstream, WordPerfect
- BitstreamArrus Black BT Italic
- Bitstream, WordPerfect
- Blackletter 686 BT
- Bitstream, WordPerfect
- Braggadocio
- Monotype, Microsoft
- BriemScript
- Gunnlaugur SE Briem, Microsoft
- Britannic Bold
- URW, Microsoft
- Brush 738 BT
- Bitstream, WordPerfect
- Castellar
- Monotype, Microsoft
- Centaur
- Monotype, Microsoft
- CommonBullets
- Corel, Corel
- Contemporary Brush
- Filmotype, Microsoft
- Contemporary Brush B
- Filmotype, Microsoft
- Desdemona
- The Font Bureau, Inc., Microsoft
- Eckmann
- URW, Microsoft
- Edda
- The Font Bureau, Inc., Microsoft
- Elephant
- Carter & Cone Type Inc., Microsoft
- Elephant Italic
- Carter & Cone Type Inc., Microsoft
- Engravers' Gothic BT
- Bitstream, WordPerfect
- Eurostile
- URW, Microsoft
- Eurostile Bold
- URW, Microsoft
- Futura Bold
- URW, Microsoft
- Futura Medium
- URW, Microsoft
- Futura Oblique
- URW, Microsoft
- GeometricSlabSerifLight Italic
- Bitstream, WordPerfect
- Gill Sans Ultra Bold
- Monotype, Microsoft
- Gradl
- The Font Bureau, Inc., Microsoft
- Harrington
- The Font Bureau, Inc., Microsoft
- Humanist 521 Condensed BT
- Bitstream, WordPerfect
- Humanist 521 Condensed Bold BT
- Bitstream, WordPerfect
- Humanist 521 Light BT
- Bitstream, WordPerfect
- Humanist 521 Light Italic BT
- Bitstream, WordPerfect
- Impact
- Monotype, Microsoft
- Keystroke
- Corel, Corel
- Kids
- Corel, Corel
- Memorandum
- ITC, Corel
- Mistral
- URW, Microsoft
- New Caledonia
- Linotype-Hell AG, Microsoft
- New Caledonia Bold
- Linotype-Hell AG, Microsoft
- New Caledonia Italic
- Linotype-Hell AG, Microsoft
- Old English Text MT
- Monotype, Microsoft
- Onyx
- Monotype, Microsoft
- Onyx BT
- Bitstream, WordPerfect
- OzHandicraft BT
- Bitstream, WordPerfect
- Parade
- Filmotype, Microsoft
- Peignot Medium
- URW, Microsoft
- Playbill
- URW, Microsoft
- Ransom
- The Font Bureau, Inc., Microsoft
- Ransom Bold
- The Font Bureau, Inc., Microsoft
- Ransom Bold Italic
- The Font Bureau, Inc., Microsoft
- Ransom Italic
- The Font Bureau, Inc., Microsoft
- Ribbon 131 BT
- Bitstream, WordPerfect
- Shelley Volante BT
- Bitstream, WordPerfect
- Stencil
- URW, Microsoft
- Stop
- URW, Microsoft
- Swiss 721 Black Extended BT
- Bitstream, WordPerfect
- Wide Latin
- URW, Microsoft
- Wingdings 2
- Bigelow & Holmes, Inc., Microsoft
- Wingdings 3
- Bigelow & Holmes, Inc., Microsoft
The following table summarizes typeface names for which no equivalent name
is known. The vendor is listed for each font. Many of these fonts are
builtin to the HP LaserJet line of printers.
- AdineKirnberg
- shareware
- Albertus Extra Bold
- Hewlett-Packard
- Albertus Medium
- Hewlett-Packard
- American-Uncial-Normal
- shareware
- Antique Olive
- Hewlett-Packard
- Antique Olive Bold
- Hewlett-Packard
- Antique Olive Italic
- Hewlett-Packard
- Broadway-WP
- WordPerfect
- BroadwayEngraved-WP
- WordPerfect
- CG Omega
- Hewlett-Packard
- CG Omega Bold
- Hewlett-Packard
- CG Omega Bold Italic
- Hewlett-Packard
- CG Omega Italic
- Hewlett-Packard
- CG Times
- Hewlett-Packard
- CG Times Bold
- Hewlett-Packard
- CG Times Bold Italic
- Hewlett-Packard
- CG Times Italic
- Hewlett-Packard
- Century-WP
- WordPerfect
- Clarendon Condensed
- Hewlett-Packard
- CommercialScript-WP
- WordPerfect
- CooperBlack
- WordPerfect
- Coronet Italic
- Hewlett-Packard
- Eurostile-WP
- WordPerfect
- Garamond Antiqua
- Hewlett-Packard
- Garamond Halbfett
- Hewlett-Packard
- Garamond Kursiv
- Hewlett-Packard
- Garamond Kursiv Halbfett
- Hewlett-Packard
- Hobo-WP
- WordPerfect
- Letter Gothic
- Hewlett-Packard
- Letter Gothic Bold
- Hewlett-Packard
- Letter Gothic Italic
- Hewlett-Packard
- Marigold
- Hewlett-Packard
- MurrayHill-WP
- WordPerfect
- OldEnglish-WP
- WordPerfect
- OldTown-WP
- WordPerfect
- Stencil-WP
- WordPerfect
- Symbol
- Microsoft
- Times New Roman
- Microsoft
- Univers
- Hewlett-Packard
- Univers Italic
- Hewlett-Packard
- Univers Bold
- Hewlett-Packard
- Univers Bold Italic
- Hewlett-Packard
- Univers Condensed
- Hewlett-Packard
- Univers Condensed Bold
- Hewlett-Packard
- Univers Condensed Bold Italic
- Hewlett-Packard
- Univers Condensed Italic
- Hewlett-Packard
- Wingdings
- Microsoft