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Documentation tree summary

A skeleton of a TDS directory tree under `texmf/doc':

    amsfonts/       `amsfonts.faq', `amfndoc'
    amslatex/       `amslatex.faq', `amsldoc'
    amstex/         `amsguide', `joyerr'
  bibtex/           BibTeX
    base/           `btxdoc.tex'
    fontname/       Filenames for TeX fonts
    oldgerm/        `corkpapr'
  <format>/         name of a TeX format (e.g., `generic', `latex')
    base/           for the base distribution
    misc/           for contributed single-file package documentation
    <package>/      for package
  general/          across programs, generalities
    errata/         `errata', `errata[1-8]'
    texcomp/        Components of TeX
  generic/          for non-format-specific TeX packages
    german/         `germdoc'
  help/             meta-information
    ctan/           info about CTAN mirror sites
    faq/            FAQs of `comp.text.tex', etc.
  html/             HTML files
  info/             GNU Info files, made from Texinfo sources
  latex/            example of `format'
    base/           `ltnews*', `*guide', etc.
    graphics/       `grfguide'
  <program>/        TeX-related programs, by name (examples follow)
  metafont/         `mfbook.tex', `metafont-for-beginners', etc.
  metapost/         `mpman', `manfig', etc.
  tex/              `texbook.tex', A Gentle Introduction to TeX, etc.
  web/              `webman', `cwebman'

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