TUG'99, the 1999 annual meeting was held at the University
of British Columbia, Vancouver, on August 15-19.
The theme of the meeting was TEX Online: Untangling the Web
and TEX.
TUG'98, the
1998 annual meeting, took place at the Nicholas Copernicus
University, Torun (Poland), from 17th to 21st August 1998.
The theme of the meeting was ``Integrating TeX with the
surrounding world''.
The TeX Northeast
TUG Conference was held in New York City, on March 22-24, 1998.
TUG'97, the 1997 meeting took place in San Francisco, California,
on July 28 - August 1, 1997. For more information,
visit TUG'97 Web Pages.
TUG'96, the 1996 annual meeting took place in Dubna Russia. For
more information, visit TUG'96
Web Pages.
If you would like to offer a site for a future meeting, please contact the TUG Board (board@tug.org).
Updated: $Date: 2000/02/22 15:25:58 $